In today's fast-paced, desk-bound professional world, many individuals spend long hours sitting, leading to an increasingly sedentary lifestyle. While this might seem like just another workday routine, the long-term effects of inactivity are far from harmless. In fact, the rise in chronic diseases related to...
Gut microbiomes, Dysbiosis, Good bug, Bad Bacteria, Leaky Gut…terms previously only used by medical professionals have become common knowledge now…in fact it has become part of everyday conversations across cubicles at work or overheard chatter by the table next to you at a restaurant. The...
Some of the most profitable and thriving industries are Dermatology & Aesthetic clinics and Beauty Salons. My friends, acquaintances and clients quite often discuss how they splurge generously to get that flawless skin. Even apps are designed with filters to enhance skin tone. This in...
Omg FAT! We hate it…we hide it…we suck it in…and even try to suck it out…So shameful…so reviled…indicating lack self control…the flabs…magnifying the unforgivable sin of gluttony…Fat is so unloved, that a billion dollar industry has been thriving, with diets, gyms, drugs and surgeries, whose...
At every social gathering, conversations no longer begin with “Hi, how are you doing?” It usually is, “Wow, look at you… you have lost weight!” Weight loss has been on top of the list for almost everybody. Weight management isn’t just aesthetic; it has become...
Osteoporosis has come to become a common parlance among most women, especially in the menopausal phase of their life. Either they have been affected by it, or they live with the fear of being affected by it. You very rarely hear (or probably never hear)...
Have you ever gone for a review of your blood work or scan work or an ophthalmologic consult and heard your specialist tell you…some aspect in your report isn’t’ in the optimum value…however this is only age related!!? I have a very big issue with...
ood Health is Everything! Nothing can be as hard or painful in life as helplessly watching your loved one wane away with illness despite all the wealth, advanced technology and medicines. Over the last 20 years I have watched patients queue up at the waiting...
During consultation, while listing all the health challenges, my clients go, “and yes Dr, I also have cholesterol…” and I respond, ”that’s good…so do I!” What most people don’t realize is that Cholesterol is one of the most vital molecules in the body. It actually...
Fatty Liver? Everybody has it…what’s the big deal…that’s literally the response I get quite often during my consultation sessions. In this article I’m going to tell what a Big Deal it really is. Sadly, most people think the liver only flushes out booze… If you...