How would you define yourself?
I would define myself as a passionate, loyal, emotional, focused, sensitive, straight-forward and adventurous girl who is a dreamer with a do or die attitude. If someone tells me I can’t do something, I’m definitely going to do it.

The first thing you do when you wake up?
Check out myself in the mirror. It’s more self-love than narcissism, though.

The last thing you do before you go to sleep?
I love films and so I ensure I watch a film every night before I go to sleep.

Your perfect holiday destination?
Anywhere it’s raining and cold and with a spiritual ambience to it.

If you were chilling alone you would?
Make myself a cup of hot filter coffee and dance like no one’s watching.

Brands you swear by?
So many! I love Zara, H&M, Forever21, Fabindia, Mélange, Vera Moda and Levis.

Your definition of fun?
I love spending time with my family and friends and if you add in some music and some travel — that spells F.U.N for me.

What can we see you next in?
There’s Bigil, Magamuni and Super Duper.

Your take away from ‘Mercury’?
It gave me the confidence to believe in myself as an actor.

What do you define as #GirlPower?
Being independent; being highly confident; making your own decisions; achieving the dreams you want to and ensuring you consider yourself equal to men.

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PHOTOGRAPHER: Nandagopal Nair | @nikonwalanair
STYLING: Amrutha Pragasam | @amruthapragasam
WARDROBE: Vero Moda India | @veromodaindia + Only India | @onlyindia +
HAIR & MAKE-UP: Sweety Kabir | @sweety_kabir (Toni&Guy | @toniandguyindia)
LOCATION: Citadines, OMR, Chennai | @ascott_ltd