Single Parenting comes with its own set of challenges. Moreover to deal with teenagers as a single parent needs a different skill altogether.

Teenagers go through many “Physical & Physiological” changes that are difficult to understand. They get irrational due to lack of experience and maturity.

Here are the few tips to deal with as a ‘Single Parent’:
• Respect your status: Single parent status is a high status because it is not easy to play a role of father and mother at the same time. Never ever feel low about it. You aren’t a loner; take the challenges in your stride. Always be proud of yourself and so shall be your kids.

• Create a new bonding: Nurture a new bond and strength with your children and family. Keep your energy high and positive so kids imbibe good qualities. Make new friends for yourself and stay connected. Being single is your choice so own that responsibility and enjoy your life. A teenager can be very demanding at times, you may feel the need of your spouse to share the challenge. Make friends with your child and be strong.

• Have faith and instill courage: Your journey may seem difficult, however have faith. You aren’t alone. Seek help from family and friends when needed. Being a single parent is a courageous status; instill the same courage in your child. Provide them with assurance of success.

• Understand your kid’s needs: Being a teenager, your children go through puberty, make them understand about this stage. Talk to them; provide them with physiological and emotional support.

• Be available to them: You may be highly focused in your career to provide best of things to your kids, however, be available to them when they need your presence.

• Talking about sex isn’t a taboo: Since your child will go through a lot of changes in body and mind, it is time for you to talk and educate them about sex.

• Give them space: Being available doesn’t mean you intrude in their privacy. Give them freedom; at the same time be watchful of their activities, friends circle, online presence etc., without giving them a hint that you are keeping a tab on them.

• Make a set of rules: You need not be authoritarian but be assertive. Every home has set of rules; we need to make sure the kids follow them most of the time.

• Involve in Decision Making: Whenever you take a decision for the welfare of the family, make them a part of it. Seek their opinion and implement it which will make them feel empowered and confident.

– By Vasantha Vaikunth, Holistic lifestyle coach and classical dancer