Having survived through the Covid years seeing families falling apart with the fear of death looming over people’s heads, I’m just so grateful waking up to a new year with a breath of freshness, my head above the water and my eyes looking clearly forward in anticipation of the possibilities that lie ahead of me.

I see beyond a doubt that having lived through the last two years was also an opportunity to learn, embrace and make a conscious, mindful effort to make amends; to live the life with which we are still gifted. We sure do have an obligation to self to give ourselves a fair opportunity to find happiness and health, and there is no better time to envision this than today.

“Make Some Room” is clearly the learning than stood out; I have penned down a few lines that helped drive a magical shift in my life, and am sure hoping it will touch your too.

The space you live in sure reflects your state of mind when in it; the pandemic forced us to look at it more closely than ever before, bringing to light the things we never used before. What you haven’t used in a year or two years is not likely to find utility anymore; it’s time to declutter and make some room for new things to come. Start with your own personal space, your bed, your wardrobe, your work table, and watch new possibilities unfold. Make some room for sunshine in your life.

The people with whom you surround yourself with limit your flight; the years of social distancing and limited interaction have given us the opportunity to set apart people who matter. Now is a time to negate interaction that has not enabled you and clear up some space to commit to the relationships that matter… To have enough space to bring in new people and experiences that will bring forth the best in you.

Beyond a doubt, the place one lives in most is the mind, and undoubtedly this is the place where you experience life. The one place that needs our utmost attention for all that’s in life – happiness, joy, fear, pain, hurt, anger, resentment, disappointments, anxiety and a million other experiences – is in its power to create and control. Did you know that all of us seek to find means to control and regulate it externally, when it’s in our power to alter and regulate it within us? So let’s focus only on the things that are within our power to change, and accept the ones which are beyond our power for what they are. Let not the things beyond our control occupy space in our minds, for you surely have better things to take their place.

So let’s focus on us, for we are worthy of a better life in which we are at peace with ourselves and our surroundings, and you have nothing but the best to offer to the world.

Signing off with the belief that this year will be about you and the very best of you, for yourself and for the world in which you live.

Ajith Anirudhan
(ACC) ™ | CCA