In today’s Insta age more than a resort stay what people want is “experience.” Radisson Blu Temple Bay Beach Resort is one kind of a beach getaway in Chennai. It is also a UNESCO heritage. Located in ECR, Mahabalipuram, it is only a 50kms drive from the main city. Known for their impeccable service and hospitality, they always come up with unique experiences for their guests and this time they have created another all-new experience – that of Luxury Tents and Containers Staycation. What’s this luxury tents and containers, you wonder? Let’s find out from Vikram Cotah, COO, GRT Hotels and Resorts himself.
Vikram says, “We actually got inspired by Luxury Tents in Rajasthan deserts and we brought in a person from Rajasthan who makes desert tents. This kind of experience is available only in wildlife sanctuaries which is far from the city. Luxury tent gives a lot of privacy and it’s isolated from our other cottages. As far as weddings are concerned, “destination weddings” are the in-thing today. Our space and architecture stand out from the other properties in the entire belt. Temple bay has the premium positioning for wedding destination because of the expanse. Our resort is 40 acres and no other resort has 40 cottages that are individual units. We have different kinds of accommodation and that is what people want when they come for weddings. We have put up air-conditioned German tents and we have conducted weddings inside these tents.”
He adds, “Luxury containers offer star hotels luxury service, but here what’s our uniqueness lies in. We provide star hotel luxury service inside a container room, which is special. The concept of Luxury Container is about being eco-friendly, because once the container comes from a different country they can’t go back, they are left to rust which increases the carbon footprint. When we recycle the containers, we are giving back to Mother Nature. We brought this old container which has travelled 30 countries with different goods. We completely did the interiors and it’s a tall container where one can enjoy a breezy evening watching the sea. Luxury container has a living room, deck and luxury bedroom setup in a modern style.”
Luxury Tent and Container stay is for those people who love experiences, honeymooners, CEOs, celebrities and other such, as it gives a lot of privacy to them, while giving an open feel of being in the midst of all the luxuries. Once you get into the tents you’ll get the feeling of top end luxury, which includes jacuzzi, rain shower, Egyptian cotton sheets, king size bed, big TV unit and more, next to the seashore. “We have a premium restaurant for the first time so close to the sea – “The Wharf” which serves the best of grills like New Zealand steaks, salmon from Norway and fresh fish and prawns from nearby villages,” explains Vikram.
— By Vinitha Venkatesha