What is that one thing that makes you excited?
Makeup is something that I’ve always been excited about. Even as a little girl and then as a teenager I would love makeup. When I was younger I saved up all my money to buy myself some makeup. But I was so disappointed because I had saved up all my money to buy this small little pack of eye shadow once and the eye shadow didn’t stick to my eyelids at all. I felt so bad that I had spent all my money on it and it was such a waste. I kept thinking to myself that if I were to create a brand it would have to be affordable. Also, whoever buys my makeup they should get only very high quality product that suits their face. They should also feel good when they wear it.
One secret makeup tip you’d like to share?
While applying makeup one thing that all the girls out there must focus on is getting the right shade that suits your skin tone. Always make sure that the foundation shade that they use is correct. Either try it at home first before going out or ask an expert to help you choose your shade.
A big misconception is that we want to be lighter and we want to have our skin look a certain way that it’s not naturally. What ends up happening is that sometimes they end up looking too grey or too yellow or too white and chalky, instead of enhancing that natural glow that you already have.
For some people, yes, makeup can transform them and make them look extremely beautiful. But for a regular person going to an office or going to their friend’s house or a nice night out you want to look beautiful, glowing and have a healthy skin. I really believe that if we can get this to be the trend, instead of transforming into something that’s not our original skin tone colour it would be amazing.
What does makeup mean to you?
I believe every woman is beautiful and makeup just enhances your beauty. You can’t transform into a diva by just using a lighter shade of foundation. That’s a big mistake girls make.
Any beauty tips you’d like to share?
Beauty always begins with good skin. One cannot expect great makeup on a bad skin. So make sure you invest on the right kind of skin care for your face.
One can’t have glass skin overnight or by watching videos. One has to work towards it. I also like to use aloe vera for my skin sometimes.
Also always try to go for simple clean products that don’t have too many chemical ingredients. Follow a simple skin care regime and you will always look and feel good.
How can makeup make a woman feel sexy about herself? Are the two related?
Being beautiful and being sexy are always inter related. If you don’t look and feel good you won’t feel sexy. Makeup plays a very big role in this. Every girl must know what exactly suits and what doesn’t. Don’t do too less or too much. Just get the right skincare in place, get the right shades for your base and your eyes and lips and see how sexy it can make you feel.
What is your go-to makeup brand?
My baby Star Struck is what I’m in love with. It’s just the makeup I’ve always been looking for. It’s a baby Daniel and I have created and I’m so proud of Daniel to help me take my dreams.